Why thank you for employee referral cards are important

Last Updated: June 24, 2024

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In the bustling world of talent acquisition and new hire recruitment, thank you for employee referral cards are powerful tools for businesses looking to attract top talent. 

They're a powerful tool for building a thriving company culture and boosting the effectiveness of your referral program. 

While traditional referral thank you note are a good start, they often lack the personal touch needed to incentivize employee referrals truly. 

That's where video greeting cards enter the scene, offering a powerful way to express genuine gratitude and elevate your employee referral program.

Buckle up because this article will show you how expressing genuine gratitude can supercharge your referral program and take it to the next level.

The impact of thank you for employee referral cards: a win-win for everyone

Thank you for employee referral
Importance of employee referral appreciation

A heartfelt thank you card is more than just a courtesy; it motivates employees and fosters a thriving company culture. 

Here's how showing appreciation for referrals benefits everyone:

For the Employee:

  • Boosted morale and engagement: A genuine “thank you” shows them that their contributions are valued, fostering a sense of belonging and increasing employee engagement. Studies have shown that employee recognition and appreciation are powerful motivators, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
  • Feeling valued and connected: When you take the time to personalize a thank you message, it sends a strong signal that you see them as individuals, not just cogs in a machine. This fosters a sense of connection and strengthens their bond with the company.
  • Increased loyalty: Feeling appreciated makes employees feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves. This fosters loyalty and encourages them to stay invested in the company's success, potentially leading to reduced turnover and increased employee retention.

For the Company:

  • Incentivizes future referrals: A heartfelt “thank you” for a referral goes a long way in encouraging future recommendations. When employees see their efforts acknowledged and appreciated, they're more likely to continue referring to top talent, knowing their contribution is valued.
  • Strengthens brand advocacy: When employees feel good about their company culture and how they're treated, they naturally advocate for the company. This translates into positive word-of-mouth marketing, boosting brand reputation and attracting high-quality candidates.
  • Enhanced recruitment and talent acquisition: A strong employee referral program helps you tap into your existing network of talented individuals, leading to a higher quality of candidates and a faster recruitment process.

Beyond the basics: creating memorable experiences with video greeting cards

Let's be honest: a generic thank you card with a pre-printed message can feel a bit… well, generic. While a simple “thanks” is better than nothing, it doesn't exactly have a “wow factor.” 

So, how can you go beyond the ordinary and create a truly memorable employee appreciation card that refers to top talent?

This is where video greeting cards enter the scene. They offer a personalized, engaging way to express your gratitude and create a lasting impression. 

Think about it: instead of a static card, you can send a custom video message card directly from you or the hiring team, expressing your sincere appreciation for their referral. It allows you to:

  • Infuse your personality: Speak directly to the employee, using their name and acknowledging the specific contribution they made. This personal touch goes a long way in building a stronger connection.
  • Showcase your company culture: Give a glimpse into your company's work environment, team dynamics, and what makes your company truly special. A video card can particularly appeal to potential candidates who are curious about the company culture.
  • Increase emotional impact: Seeing a genuine smile and hearing a heartfelt “thank you” carries far more weight than written words alone. Video messages create a stronger emotional connection and leave a lasting impression.

Create video greeting cards for your employee referral cards

Employee appreciation card
Video greeting card for employee appreciation

GiftLips is a free online greeting card maker that allows you to create personalized video greeting cards for various occasions. 

By integrating personalized video greetings with GiftLips, you can enhance the impact of your employee referral cards in several ways:

  1. Choose a card design: Visit the GiftLips website and browse through their selection of greeting card templates for different occasions. Click on “Use this Template” and add a short written greeting to your card.
  2. Add a gift card: You can add a digital gift card after selecting the perfect card design and personalizing it with your written message.
  3. Add videos: GiftLips uses a dynamic video QR code that enables you to add videos and other digital media to your card. Record or upload videos from your device. Alternatively, you can invite other employees to collaborate on your card, allowing them to add their videos directly to your card.
  4. Save and edit: Save your card and edit it whenever you're ready. The activity log lets you monitor your card's progress and engagements.
  5. Print and ship: Once you're satisfied with your cards, you can choose to download them as free printable greeting cards or have your greeting card shipped directly to your recipient.
Send a video greeting card

Creative ideas for employee referral video greeting cards

Now, let's get creative! Here are 10 inspiring ideas for using GiftLips to create a video greeting card for your employee referral program:

The “thank you, superstar!” approach

Express your gratitude in a fun and lighthearted way, acknowledging the employee's contribution and calling them a “superstar” or a “referral hero.” You can even incorporate props or costumes to add a playful touch.

The “team celebration” experience

Gather the team (or create a montage) for a video gift idea to personally thank the employee and celebrate their successful referral.

Fostering a sense of community and showing appreciation from the entire team.

The “behind the scenes” peek

Offer a behind-the-scenes look at the company culture, showcasing exciting projects, team events, or even a casual “day in the life” glimpse. 

This can pique potential candidates' interest and highlight the positive aspects of working at your company.

The “future focus” message

Express your excitement about welcoming the new referral to the team and their potential contributions to the company's future success. 

It demonstrates your confidence in their skills and makes them feel valued from the outset.

The “personalized touch” route

Highlight something specific you learned about the referred candidate and how it aligns with the company's values or culture. 

A personalized thank you message shows you went the extra mile and genuinely appreciate their thoughtful recommendation.

The “gift for the win” option

Pair your video message with a small gift or anything from a corporate branded gift card to a personalized note expressing your gratitude.

The “humorous delivery” path: (use with caution!) 

If your company culture is appropriate, consider incorporating a touch of humor into your message.

A lighthearted joke or funny anecdote can be a memorable way to connect with the employee.

The “testimonial time” feature

If the new hire has already started, consider including a short video clip of them sharing their positive experience at the company.

This can be incredibly convincing for potential candidates on the fence about applying.

The “interactive invitation” twist

End your video message with an invitation for the employee to share their referral experience on social media, perhaps using a specific company hashtag. This can help attract new referrals organically and expand your talent pool.

The “bonus offer” surprise

Consider offering a bonus incentive for referrals that result in successful hires. You can announce this bonus within your video message, adding an extra layer of excitement and motivation for future referrals.

The power of personalized thank you for employee referral cards goes beyond words

Let's face it, a simple “thank you” is always appreciated. But when it comes to employee referrals, it's time to think beyond the ordinary. 

While well-intentioned, traditional thank-you cards often lack the personal touch and emotional impact.

These are needed to resonate with employees and incentivize future referrals.

Enter the world of video greeting cards. This innovative approach allows you to express your sincere gratitude in a way that feels genuine, personal, and memorable. 

Remember, showing appreciation is not just the right thing to do. It's a strategic investment in the success of your referral program. 

Ready to take your referral program to the next level? Start implementing these creative ideas and use video greetings to express genuine gratitude that goes beyond words with GiftLips.

Frequently asked questions

How do you say thank you to an employee for an employee referral?

To an employee: “Thank you for referring [name]. We appreciate you thinking of us! We'll ensure they receive the same exceptional experience you have.”

How do you say thank you for a referral?

Generally: “Thank you so much for the referral! We appreciate you helping us find great candidates.”

create video greeting card
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