40+ Words of Encouragement to Brighten Someone’s Day

Last Updated: August 1, 2024

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Sometimes, all it takes to turn that frown upside down are kind words of encouragement and support.

We've all been there—you missed that promotion you were hoping for, or a workout left you feeling more defeated than energized.  

Words have a powerful way of lifting our spirits and reminding us of our strength. A simple “you've got this” can be the spark that reignites our motivation and gets us back on track.

But what if you could make those words of encouragement even more impactful?  

Imagine sending a personalized video message overflowing with positivity and support.  A free online greeting card maker lets you do just that. 

Keep reading to discover over 40 inspirational messages you can use to brighten someone's day and learn how GiftLips can transform them into heartwarming video greetings.

The gift of encouragement: why it matters

We all know the feeling of receiving a compliment or a heartfelt message of support. It can instantly lift our spirits and make us feel ten feet tall. 

But the power of encouragement goes far beyond a virtual hug or just a temporary mood boost.

Science tells us that kind words can actually trigger the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain, like dopamine and oxytocin. 

Words of encouragement can significantly improve an individual's resolve to persevere through challenges and strive toward achieving future objectives. 

Think about it: when you're facing a tough challenge, a little encouragement from a friend or loved one can be the push you need to keep going. 

It reminds you that you're not alone, that you're capable, and that achieving goals is within reach.

But encouragement isn't just about helping others through tough times. It's also about celebrating successes, big and small.

A simple “congratulations” or “I'm so proud of you” can solidify that feeling of accomplishment and fuel the drive to keep reaching for more.

Ultimately, the encouragement message is a gift that keeps on giving. It fosters stronger relationships, builds confidence, and helps us all reach our full potential.

40+ words of encouragement for every occasion 

Get together with friends
Supporting friends

Life throws a lot our way, and sometimes, we all need a little pick-me-up. That's where the magic of encouragement comes in! 

A few well-chosen words can be the spark that ignites someone's motivation or the comfort they need during a tough time. 

Here, we've got a treasure trove of over 40 encouraging messages you can use to brighten someone's day, categorized for different situations:

When someone's feeling down

  1. “You've got this!” – A classic for a reason! Simple and powerful.
  2. “Believe in yourself! You're stronger than you think.” – A reminder of their inner strength.
  3. “Even the darkest night gives way to dawn. Hang in there.” – A hopeful message for tough times.
  4. “Remember, setbacks are just detours, not dead ends. You've got this!” – Acknowledge their struggle and offer reassurance.
  5. “Is there anything I can do to help? Sometimes a shoulder to lean on is all it takes.” – Offer practical support in addition to words.
  6. “Challenges are opportunities to learn and grow. You've got the skills to succeed!” – Reframe challenges as opportunities for growth.
  7. “Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. That's where the magic happens!” – Encourage them to embrace the unknown.
  8. “I know you can do whatever you set your mind to.” – Reinforce their capabilities.
  9. “Just checking in to see how you're doing. Sending you positive vibes!” – Show you care and are thinking of them.
  10. “Remember, you are loved and supported.” – Provide a sense of security and belonging.

Words of support

  1. “Go crush it!” – A motivational cheer for their success.
  2. “Excited for you! You're going to do amazing.” – Show your enthusiasm and support.
  3. “Remember, progress over perfection. Take it one step at a time.” – Encouragement with a dose of reality.
  4. Celebrating Achievements:
  5. “So proud of you! You deserve all the success.” – Celebrate their hard work.
  6. “You did it! This is just the beginning.” – Acknowledge their accomplishment and fuel their future goals.
  7. “Look at you go! Keep shining!” – Celebrate their progress and encourage them to keep moving forward.
  8. “This change may be scary, but it's also exciting! I'm here to support you every step of the way.” 
  9. “New beginnings can be daunting, but you have the skills and resilience to succeed.” – Highlight their strengths and offer reassurance.
  10. “I believe in your ability to adapt and thrive in this new situation.” – Express your confidence in their abilities.
  11. “Change can be a great opportunity for growth. Embrace the possibilities!” – Encourage a positive perspective on the change.
  12. “I'm here for you, no matter what. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.” – Give your support and maybe share a custom music card with their favorite song.
  13. “This is a tough time, but you're strong, and you'll get through it.” – Acknowledge their struggle and express faith in their strength.
  14. “Sometimes, we all need a shoulder to cry on. Lean on me if you need to.” – Offer emotional support.
  15. “You're not alone in this. We'll face it together.” – Offer a sense of solidarity.
  16. “It's okay to not be okay. Take care of yourself, and things will get better.” – Offer understanding and encouragement for self-care.

Celebrating achievements

  1. “Your dedication is inspiring! Here's to many more achievements.” – Highlight the effort behind their success.
  2. “They don't call them milestones for nothing! You've reached a big one. Celebrate!” – Emphasize the importance of celebrating their accomplishment.
  3. “That promotion is well-deserved! Let me know if you need any help during the transition.” – Offer practical support for their next step.
  4. “As Nelson Mandela said, ‘Success is not always about the greatest, but about doing the best you can with what you have.' You did your best, and it paid off!” – Add a relevant quote to elevate the message.
  5. “Remember all those late nights studying for that exam? Totally worth it! #NeverGiveUp” – Include an inside joke to make it more personal.
  6. “Congratulations on your marathon! To celebrate, how about a celebratory massage – you deserve it!” – Add Amazon gift cards or other gifts related to their achievement.

General words of motivation

  1. “Sending you good vibes! ✨” – A positive and lighthearted message.
  2. “Shine bright! You've got something special.” – Remind them of their unique talents.
  3. “Just a little reminder: You're awesome!” – A simple but effective confidence boost.
  4. “Life isn't always easy, but you're tougher than you think.” – A message of resilience for everyday challenges.
  5. “May your coffee be strong and your day be filled with joy!” – A lighthearted and personalized well-wisher for the day.
  6. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller
  7. “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, and catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” – Mark Twain
  8. “You are capable of achieving amazing things. Believe in yourself!”
  9. “Remember, the only person who can limit you is yourself. Dream big!” Add this to free printable greeting cards you can find online. 
  10. “Every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals. Keep going!”
  11. “Don't compare your journey to someone else's timeline. You're doing great!”

Make it extra special with video greeting cards 

Record words of encouragement
Video message card for a friend

We all know the power of a kind word, but imagine the impact of those words delivered in a heartfelt video message! 

With a free online greeting card maker like GiftLips, you can take encouragement to the next level.

GiftLips lets you turn your words of encouragement into a personalized video greeting card that will truly brighten someone's day. 

Imagine the joy on a friend's face when they receive a filled with:

  • Your smiling face: Adding a personal video message card adds a genuine touch of motivation that goes beyond text alone.
  • Photos and memories: Include fun photos or inside jokes to make the message even more meaningful.
  • Uplifting music and backgrounds: Set the mood with fun backgrounds and music that reflects the occasion.

How to Create a video greeting card in 3 easy steps with giftlips

Make a video gift
Make a video greeting card

We've discussed the power of encouragement and how GiftLips can transform your kind words into a memorable video message card for your loved ones.  

However, creating a video greeting card might seem daunting at first.  With GiftLips, it's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Here’s how to make a video greeting card in just 3 steps:

  1.  Choose a card temp: Browse pre-designed templates or choose to upload your custom picture that matches your message.
  1. Add Your Video and Personalize: Upload a pre-recorded video or record one right there. Want photos alongside? No sweat! Add a personal caption for an extra heartfelt touch.
  1. Download and share: You can download your video gift or send it directly through email. Many templates even have social media sharing options—spread the joy!

Words have the power to uplift

Sometimes, the simplest things can have the biggest impact. A few kind words of encouragement can light a spark of motivation or offer a comforting hand during a difficult time. 

By incorporating encouragement into our daily lives, we can create a positive ripple effect that uplifts ourselves and those around us.

Here at GiftLips, we believe in the power of your words to make a difference.  

We hope this collection of encouraging messages inspires you to share your own kind words with others.  

Why not take inspiration a step further and create a personalized video greeting card with GiftLips?

Imagine the joy on a loved one's face when they receive a heartfelt video filled with your words of encouragement, photos, and even a little humor!  

Visit GiftLips today and get started on your first video greeting card! It's a simple yet powerful way to brighten someone's day and spread a little extra encouragement in the world.

Frequently asked questions

What are some good encouraging words? 

Here are some encouraging phrases to keep in mind, depending on the situation:

  • General: You've got this! Believe in yourself. Keep going!
  • Feeling down: I'm here for you. You're strong; you'll get through it. It's okay to not be okay.
  • New challenge: Go crush it! Progress over perfection. Challenges help you grow.
  • Celebrating: So proud! You did it! Keep shining!

What word to say to encourage someone?

Here are some alternative encouraging words you can use depending on the situation:

“You have the talent and drive to achieve anything you set your mind to.”

“You're not alone in this. Here to listen if you need someone to talk to.”

“Take some time for yourself, you deserve it.”

“Your dedication to that project was incredible! It truly paid off.”

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